"Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust." M.L. King, Jr.

"I am born and raised in New York City and know the hardships we are going through: increase in crime due to laws that embolden and empower criminals; the adverse effects of illegal immigrants overwhelming our communities; the threat the "City of Yes" poses to Queens' property owners connected with State legislators underlying plan to create "15-minute cities” with total disregard of the extreme adverse effects it will have on our communities; the NY State Education Department's imposition of poisonous ideologies starting from kindergarten; the State's deceitful initiative to amend the NY State Constitution with its real goal to undermine parental authority... the list goes on and on and on...
Enough is enough!
Take the first step toward making what our neighborhoods should be: a safe and thriving haven for all. And to restore our schools to a thriving, wholesome learning environment for our children.
I'll work to ensure those who live, work, and visit Queens are safe, and that our neighborhoods are preserved and continuously protected. And that our schools are places for learning and not centers for indoctrination and not used to promote the agenda of the State.
Let us together defend our neighborhoods and bring them back to life!"